Home Security and Safety Measures

Home Security and Safety Measures

Taking Home Security and Safety measures is an important step to take as a homeowner. In recent years, there have been numerous cases of intruders posing as pizza deliverymen and forcing their way into homes with weapons. Criminals take advantage of people’s lack of home security concerns and take advantage of their gullibility. In addition, locks are often not sufficient to prevent determined intruders. Thankfully, there are many ways to protect your home from intruders, including installing smart home security measures.

One way to deter burglars is by placing timers on lights or windows that are not in use. This gives the impression that someone is home and may even deter a potential burglar. Also, lock all windows and doors, including mail slots and pet doors. If your garage door is automatic, disconnect the opener and place a padlock on the track to prevent it from being opened without your consent. This is a cost-effective way to deter burglars and thieves.

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