The Benefits of Indoor Plants For Your Home

The Benefits of Indoor Plants For Your Home

Houseplants bring more than aesthetic value into our homes; they also have health advantages. Instagram-lovers who post greenery-inspired decor or TikTok users who create plant videos may notice that incorporating houseplants is becoming a trendier trend than ever, while TikTok videos featuring plants feature them too!

Horticultural therapy has long been used to increase mood and concentration levels among students and workers. So what exactly are the advantages of keeping indoor plants?


Home decor enthusiasts everywhere appreciate the beauty and benefits of indoor plants – not only are they decorative additions but studies have proven they provide health benefits as well.

Dogs can help reduce stress levels, increase energy and concentration levels, purify the air by absorbing and breaking down harmful substances in the environment and purifying it through their natural defense mechanism of absorption and breakdown.

Plants recycle carbon dioxide out of the air and convert it to oxygen, helping you feel less tired. They also lower noise levels by deflecting, absorbing or eliminating sound vibrations through deflections or absorbers.

Consider adding houseplants to your home if you have children and/or pets, especially as interaction with these living beings stimulates the brain to release neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin that can boost mood and ease anxiety.

Air Purification

Clean air is key to protecting against health problems like respiratory illnesses, skin ailments and headaches. Indoor plants help enhance indoor air quality by filtering pollutants through photosynthesis, transpiration and evapotranspiration processes.

Boston Ferns (Epipremnum pinnatum) are hardy plants that thrive in low light and dark conditions while effectively filtering air toxins such as xylene, toluene and formaldehyde from indoor air quality. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Salvia fruticosa) also can remove such pollutants as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene from home air quality; both varieties thrive under low lighting and are drought-proof.

Spider plants (Spider tetraptera) are easy-care plants that filter carbon dioxide out of the air while producing baby plants to give away to friends. Reed or bamboo palms (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) and Chinese evergreens also work effectively in filtering out pollutants from your home’s atmosphere.


Plants are effective air purifiers, filtering out dust particles while breaking down harmful chemicals in the atmosphere and increasing humidity levels in any room. Popular low-light plants such as Chinese evergreen and peace lilies are especially good at purifying air while Boston ferns have been shown to significantly decrease volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in the air.

Studies have revealed that plants can help naturally lower stress levels without needing to devote any additional time or resources. Furthermore, plants have also been demonstrated to boost energy and enhance overall well-being.

When living with children or animals, choose plant varieties that are pet-safe to ensure your plants remain out of reach from curious paws and noses. Plants also make attractive and functional additions to interior design as they provide screening rooms, fill spaces and soften lines while improving traffic flow.

Reduces Stress

Plants can help lower blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels while simultaneously decreasing stress symptoms like headaches, stomachaches and anxiety. Furthermore, they promote sleep which in turn helps enhance memory retention and concentration.

Studies demonstrate the benefits of adding plants to any room as an aid for creativity and productivity, without needing extra time commitment for yoga or meditation.

Are you ready to add some greenery into your home? Consider adding a cactus, snake plant or fern as they require minimal care while brightening any room with vibrant colors and textures. Plus they help clean air pollutants while increasing humidity through photosynthesis and evapotranspiration! Cacti are also excellent bedroom plants as they release oxygen overnight which contributes to improved sleep quality.

Better Sleep

Plants produce water vapor as a by-product of photosynthesis that increases humidity in the air, helping to alleviate dry skin and respiratory conditions as well as manage room temperatures more comfortably.

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, helping you feel more energetic and less sleepy. Snake plants (aka Mother-in-Law’s Tongue) are especially good at purifying air from harmful common household toxins like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene emissions.

Aloe vera is an easy and popular air-purifying plant to take care of, releasing oxygen while sucking up carbon dioxide and soothing burns at the same time. Perfect for your bedside table. Snake plants also make an excellent addition as they release oxygen throughout the night and reduce airborne pollutants such as formaldehyde emissions.

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